
Contact us

Feel free to email our general email address,, or contact an individual staff member listed on our staff page. We can also be reached at (404) 872-3856.

Helpful Links

Georgia Tech's Counseling Center offers a wide variety of resources, including:

Online health screening available to take if you are wondering if you are in a healthy spot with stress, anxiety, eating, etc.

Voice is a GT page, providing insight and clarity on how to respond if you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual violence. There are many practical steps on their website.

Ridgeview Institute is a local not-for-profit hospital that offers many free, open support groups.

For other resources for students at Georgia Tech, check out The Dean of Students website.

Additional Links

CMF Globalscope- A partnership ministry that shows college students Jesus all around the world

Donation Information

Find more donation information at our alumni page.

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